Safe, Vibrant & Thriving Vallejo

I’m excited to bring decades of successful experience uplifting Vallejo residents, a robust understanding of the community I love and a tenacious optimism.



Welcome, and thank you for visiting our site!

It was an honor to serve as your City Councilwoman, and I’m proud of the work we did post-bankruptcy; together, we brought our city forward to prosperity.

By 2019, we had multiple years of positive revenue, a stable and fully staffed organization, and a development construction pipeline exceeding $1.5 billion (supporting financial stability and providing an expanded revenue base in the years to come). I was excited to have completed my City Council tenure on a positive note! Then 2020 happened.

In 2020 we faced a $12 million budget deficit, forcing us to cut services in all areas and have continued to balance our budget on salary savings every year since. Our community no longer trusts that an experienced professional will show up in a timely manner when residents call 9-1-1. This is not a sustainable path forward.

We must refocus our spending priorities on the things that matter most to achieve a safe, vibrant, thriving community for all.

Our city has grit, heart, and passion. We need leaders who can provide the necessary support and are ready to listen. I realized that rather than stepping back, I needed to step forward. I’m running for Mayor because I know what it takes to get our city back on track. I’m looking forward to what’s ahead, and to working together once more!

I invite you to join us.

Thank you,

Pippin Dew

Safe, Vibrant & Thriving Vallejo

Pippin has the experience and the drive to make Vallejo better for all.